On 29 December 2023, FTA issued the Corporate Tax Guide, which provides general guidance on Registration of Natural Persons for Corporate Tax purposes. The key highlights are as follows-
- Natural person includes sole establishments and individual partners in Unincorporated Partnerships that conduct a Business or Business Activity in the UAE.
- Natural persons conducting Business or Business Activities in the UAE are Resident Persons for Corporate Tax irrespective of their nationality, whether they hold a residency visa in the UAE, whether their income is sourced in the UAE or from abroad, or how much time they may physically spend in the UAE.
- State Sourced Income derived by a natural person who is a Non-Resident Person may be subject to Withholding Tax (currently the rate is 0%) and would not require a natural person to register with the FTA.
- The Tax Period of a natural person who conducts a Business or Business Activity that is subject to Corporate Tax, shall be the Gregorian calendar year i.e. 1 January until 31 December.
- The first potential Tax Period for a natural person is the 2024 Gregorian calendar.